Following a glitch in the website system, the annual calendar has now uploaded. Parents / carers can link the school calendar to online diaries on personal devices and calendar updates will pull through automatically.
The full printable annual calendar is also available in the 'Key Information' section of the website.
Children will need to wear their full uniform on return to school on Wednesday 6th September - class teachers will be updating parents / carers and children in relation to P.E. days which staff will organise during the admin / INSET days before the children return to school.
The school gates will open at 8:50am and children will be able to walk through to their classrooms from 8:50 until 9:00am when the gates will close and registers will be taken. We kindly ask that parents do not accompany the children through the gates (this is in line with our safeguarding policy so we can ensure there are no adults in school who have not signed in through the main school office). Staff will be available at the entrance gates if you need to pass on any messages. Teachers will also be available at the end of the day on the playground (or at the nursery / reception class gates for the younger children).
A lot of work has been happening in and around the school site over the summer to make sure that the school environment is as good as it can be for the children.
School staff have been reviewing some of the key policies also - such as the behaviour policy, marking and presentation policies and the attendance policies. These will be shared with parents via the school website and in the first school newlstter.
We hope that you have all had a wonderful summer break and enjoy the last few days before coming back to school. The school office will be open from 9:00 - 4:00 on Monday 4th September for any queries.
Miss Brockerton (Head Teacher)