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Here are links to two of the songs children need to learn for our upcoming play 'Roman Rocks!'

Maths can be tricky. We have began to explore division in 4P. To introduce 'sharing out' which is what division is all about, we have had a practical maths lesson. This is a great thing to do with your children at home. Give them some items and ask them to sort them into equal groups. M&Ms were suggested by my class which I think is a great idea! 



Watercolour techniques brought to life by 4P

Geography in Year 4!


In Year 4 the children learn about maps. In an interesting discussion, the children decided that a map was a better resource then a SAT NAV! 

We made our own islands out of rice! Place a handful of rice on some paper, give it a little shake and then draw around the outline of the rice and there you have your own island! The children then planned a journey across their islands including directions, for other children to follow.




The Romans are invading!!

In 4P our new topic is to find out all about the Romans! 

In 4P as part of our Design and Technology project, that has links with Geography, we build a model of our local area. We are year 4 and it was tricky to make the models. Sometimes we made mistakes and sometimes parts did not look right. We learnt that it's ok to make these mistakes because we try again and succeed! 


I am so proud of year 4! Well done my class!!  

Our model of Jacksdale!

Welcome to 4P!


In 4P we are we are working on our topic 'Me and my world'. This includes learning about our local history, where we are located in the world and exploring our interests and hobbies by creating a biography about ourselves. 


Miss Place loves art and we try to be creative in all our subjects in school including maths. 4P are very good at painting and we are learning different ways to paint using watercolours. Keep a look out for our art work on this page!

Finnley & his talented dad bringing our model making to life! Many thanks to Mr Hill for designing, printing and delivering our very own base map of Jacksdale for the children to design their models on!

History of Jacksdale

Keeping Safe Online - monitoring & filtering



Did you know.... In the summer term of year 4, all children in England must sit a statutory Times Table Test.  This is known as the Multiplication Tables Check.  There is no pass mark, as such - the national expectation is that by the summer term in year 4. all pupils should get 25 answers correct out of a random selection of 25 questions (anything up to 12x12).


Please see the links below so you can practise as often as you can :)

October Recommended Reads!

Multiplication Tables Check Parent Information Leaflet
