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PE will be on a Monday (indoor PE) and Thursday (Outdoor PE). Please can children come to school dressed in their FULL PE kit consisting of blue or black shorts (not denim shorts) or blue or black jogging bottoms, a plain white t-shirt and plimsolls or trainers.  No named or logo item please if possible. Children will need to wear their school jumper over the top.  Children are not allowed to wear any jewellery for PE and long hair must be tied back.

As a school we follow the Real P.E scheme.  Have a look at what we are focussing on each half term:



Autumn 1:


Indoor P.E

Core Real P.E Unit 2 - Social (jumping, landing and seated balance) children will develop and apply their jumping and landing and seated balance through focused skill development sessions, thematic stories and games.


Outdoor P.E

Core Real P.E unit 1 - Personal (Footwork, one leg balance) children will develop and apply their footwork and one leg balance through focused skill development sessions, thematic stories and games.
