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4P (Year 4)



Our topic is Ancient Greece. We are going to learn all about Ancient Greece in history and link this with Geography, English, art and design and technology. 

A snippet from our topic board.


Welcome to Year 4  with Miss Place and Mrs Pell !


We have had a fabulous start to the Year with children showing me positive attitudes to learning, kindness and a will to learn and achieve. A quick note, we have decided to come out of school the other side of the shed as it gets a bit crowded with Year 3 and 4 leaving at the same time. Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. 



In maths we start the Autumn term learning about place value. Number work is essential in maths as it is the platform for all maths. There is an assessment in June for all year 4 children on times tables. I will keep you posted on ways to support your children with this assessment. One of the great tools to help children with times tables is Times Tables Rockstars which is a great game the children can enjoy and learn at the same time! Your child has their own log in, in the back of their reading diaries.



In English we are learning the story of Blue John by Berlie Doherty. Blue John is a book based in Mam Tor which is in Derbyshire. In guided reading we are discovering all about the story of Hercules. Our second English block will be about Greek myths and legends, which I am very excited about.


